Defing the following terms Conceptually 1.) socio-economic status 2) age 3.) academic performance 4.) English proficiency 5.) sex​

Defing the following terms Conceptually 1.) socio-economic status 2) age 3.) academic performance 4.) English proficiency 5.) sex​


Certainly! Here are the conceptual definitions of each term:

1. Socio-economic status: Socio-economic status refers to an individual's or a group's position within a hierarchical social structure based on a combination of factors such as income, education, occupation, and social standing. It reflects one's access to resources, opportunities, and privileges within society.

2. Age: Age is a chronological measure of the passage of time since an individual's birth, typically measured in years, months, and days. It signifies a stage of development and is often associated with physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes over time.

3. Academic performance: Academic performance refers to an individual's level of achievement or success in formal educational settings, such as schools, colleges, or universities. It encompasses various factors, including grades, test scores, class participation, comprehension of subject matter, and overall learning outcomes.

4. English proficiency: English proficiency indicates an individual's ability to effectively understand, speak, read, and write in the English language. It involves fluency, accuracy, comprehension, and usage of English across different contexts, ranging from everyday communication to academic or professional settings.

5. Sex: Sex refers to the biological classification of individuals as male, female, or intersex based on physical and physiological characteristics, such as reproductive anatomy, chromosomes, and hormone levels. It is distinct from gender, which encompasses social, cultural, and psychological aspects of identity and expression.

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